The sequel to Six Years and a Quarter Way Through, After The Prodigal Returned is a relevant tale about the guilt that condemns and the remorse that leads to repentance.
Leah Albanese thought the hard part was over. Little did she know it had only just begun. It’s been seven months since Leah heeded God’s voice and returned home to the life she was all too happy to flee. She quit Star Quality, the reality show that was her best and possibly last chance at stardom. Leah gave back the six-carat diamond engagement ring and sent Trenton Shaw packing.
When filming for the reunion episode brings familiar faces back into her life, some welcome some not, Leah begins feeling the same tugs at her heart that led her to stray from God in the first place. Can Leah resist temptation, or will she go back to the things, future, and fiancé she gave up?
Leah came back. She never imagined staying would be the real challenge. What happens after the wayward daughter returns home?
Publisher: Independently Published
Release Date: November 5, 2021