17 August 2021

Coming Home to Mercy | Excerpt + Giveaway


A society woman leaves her comfortable lifestyle so that she can help her daughter adjust to the arrival of twin sons in a small town where the courageous doctor teaches her about taking risks.

Wealthy and sociable Margaret Millerson has always thought of her brother’s Chicago mansion as her home. But when she receives the telephone call that her daughter has given birth to twins three weeks ahead of the expected due date, Margaret must leave her comfortable home, her family, and her friends to travel out of state. While she is helping her daughter care for the infants, Margaret becomes reacquainted with the town’s doctor, Matthew Kaldenberg.

Dr. Matthew Kaldenberg stays busy caring for the health of the citizens of his small town. His profession offers him daily practice in defeating death, his greatest enemy. During the twenty years since losing his own wife and baby in childbirth, Matthew has saved his money for the purchase of a flying machine. But when Matthew takes Margaret for flights on his biplane, he learns that his dreams of rising above the griefs and losses of his past come with a cost. He doesn’t want to lose the trust of the people he cares about most, or the chance at a relationship with Margaret.

Both Matthew and Margaret must make difficult decisions to hold on to the love they have discovered. Will Matthew’s heart recover from sorrow? Will Margaret find her true home?

Publisher: Scrivenings Press LLC
Release Date: August 17, 2021


“Oh, Matthew, I so appreciate you asking me, but I can’t. I’m leaving for Chicago tomorrow.” The disappointment saturated her voice. She didn’t try to hide it.

His eyebrows raised. “Leaving for Chicago?”

How she disliked the look of horrified surprise on his face. It deserved the words “I’m sorry,” but all she could do was nod in affirmation of the truth.

“But … how?” He inhaled and shifted his attention to the leafy branches above. “I thought … why?”

She shivered when his gaze returned to her. “The twins are older now. I’d just be in the way if I stayed. My family in Chicago needs me too.”

Pain entered his eyes. His distress was too awful. She looked away. “I’m sorry, Matthew. Truly. Enjoy your new plane. Think of me when you fly.” She patted his arm and walked away.

The memory of those stricken eyes stayed with her. Even if she lived through another century never seeing the man again, those eyes would stay with her haunting her, following her. But she could do nothing. The ticket was bought. The decision had been made.

“Don’t go.” The words shot through the air with as much force as if they were ammunition from a rifle.

Margaret jerked to a stop like she’d taken a bullet in her back.

A warm hand rested on her shoulder. “Don’t go. Please.”

Another hand rested on her other shoulder and turned her around in a gentle motion. Those pain-filled eyes leveled with hers. The light of hope had returned. Its dim glow softened the tragedy she read in his gaze.

“Stay here, Margaret. Stay with us. Stay with me.”


Michelle De Bruin grew up in Southern Iowa and graduated from Eddyville High School. These beautiful memories of childhood spent on her family’s farm are the inspiration to the setting in the books of the Tomorrow series.

After high school, Michelle received an Associate’s Degree in Office Management from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. She returned to the family farm and later married Tom De Bruin.

Tom and Michelle and their two teenage sons, Mark and John, live in Pella where Michelle works as the Spiritual Services Facilitator for Christian Opportunity Center. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music and in Religion with a Christian Ministries emphasis from Central College in Pella, Iowa.

In 2015, Michelle began writing and joined the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) where she discovered that the stories she wrote for fun might actually amount to something. She finished her manuscript for Hope for Tomorrow and eventually found a home for it with a small publisher of Christian fiction.

Characters that bring to life the delights of farm and small town living, whispers of Dutch heritage, and Christian faith make Michelle’s stories distinct.


One winner will receive a copy of Coming Home to Mercy (print if US, ebook if outside the US) and a $25 Amazon Gift Card (open internationally)

Ends August 25, 2021


1 comment:

  1. I live in a small town not far from a larger town. Love my small town. Love the cover of this book too. Story sounds good.
