07 March 2020

Selah's Painted Dream | Excerpt + Giveaway

JustRead Publicity Tours


Unless thirteen-year-old Selah can convince Grandpa she should live at the farm, her life is ruined. She’ll be forced to move hours from her horse and abandon her equestrian dreams.

Determined to stay, Selah must distract Grandpa from his new sweetheart. She searches for a painted dream horse from Grandpa’s past. But, Selah finds his old equine partner neglected and near death.

Then Grandpa reveals his life changing decision that tramples Selah’s plans.
Will the one thing that stood in Selah’s way become her saving grace?

Publisher: Hastings Creations
Release Date: May 7, 2018


“It’s so great to be here with you, Grandpa. Do you miss me when I’m gone?”

“Sounds like a loaded question. You’ve only been gone five days, but yes, I miss you.”

She flashed her sweetest perfect-teeth smile as she settled into her spot at the kitchen table. “Dad says our family has to move to Austin.” She dropped on him what she hoped was a shock bomb.

“Yes, I knew it was a possibility.”

Her voice shot up an octave. “You knew?”

“You’ll like living in Austin.”

The milk in her glass sloshed onto her hand. “How could I when it’s so far from you and the farm?”

“You’re going to have to find a way to make the best of it.”

“Why can’t I live here?”

Grandpa choked on his rice. “A girl your age needs to live with her family. Can you see the look on your brothers’ faces if you told them you were not moving with them?”

Ouch. “I hadn’t thought about that.” They would be upset. “But girls my age go off to boarding school and into training camps for the Olympics.”

“I’m too old to raise you. You’re a lot of work, you know.” Grandpa put a forkful in his mouth and stared at her.

“I sure would miss them. But you need somebody here with you.” She waved toward the refrigerator. “There isn’t even any food.”

“I don’t need much, and Katie feeds me dinner most nights.”

She’s the problem. “Katie feeds you.” Selah glared in bewilderment. You don’t need me?


Susan Count is a life-long equestrian and owned by a Rocky Mountain Horse that is kind hearted enough to take her on long forested trail rides. She adores grandchildren, horses, and bunnies.

Instilled with the need to create, she loves building projects and writing adventure stories. She writes at an antique secretary desk that occupies a glass room with a forest view. Fittingly, it once belonged to the grandmother who introduced her to the love of reading via Walter Farley’s horse books. That desk has secret compartments which hold memories, mysteries, and story ideas.

Susan has published four books in an equestrian series. As a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Texas Association of Authors, she takes studying the craft of writing seriously. Revision is her super-power.

She says the only thing more fun than riding might be writing horse adventure stories and she invites you to saddle up and ride along. You can learn more about Susan’s work by visiting her website!


(1) winner will receive a copy of Selah’s Secret Dream, Selah’s Painted Dream, and Selah’s Stolen Dream plus a $25 Amazon gift card!

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway will begin at midnight March 5, 2020 and last through 11:59 PM EST on March 12, 2020. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Continental US mailing addresses only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.



  1. Sounds like a great series.

  2. Anonymous7/3/20 15:34

    Thank you! - JustRead Tours

  3. Love the covers! Such beautiful horses. Sounds like a great series.

  4. Enjoyed reading the excerpt from "Selah's Painted Dream". I'm really looking forward to reading the Dream Horse Adventures series by Susan Count.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
