23 August 2022

Finding Her Voice | Excerpt + Giveaway

JustRead Publicity Tours


Overcoming their differences

Could be the answer to all their problems.

Bridget Connelly dreams of buying her boss’s veterinary clinic and starting her own business—but so does auditor Sawyer Blume. Despite her trust issues toward men, it’s hard to stay rivals when Sawyer’s traumatized daughter bonds with Bridget’s adorable pup. And when another buyer tries to outbid them both, working together might give them everything they want… including each other.

Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired
Release Date: August 23, 2022


Bridget was about to ask where her parents were when the door banged open and a man frantically stormed in, causing Bridget to take two steps backward and lock her arms across her chest again.

She silently begged God for the umpteenth time to help her stop being so afraid.

The man spotted the little girl. “Delilah!” he said. “How many times do I have to tell you not to run away like that, especially when we’re in a strange place?”

It was obvious that the man was the little girl’s father, or at the least a close relative, by the denim-blue eyes they shared—his framed by glasses that only added to his overall appeal—and the strong bone structure of their faces. He wore dark-wash blue jeans and a short-sleeved blue-and-gray-plaid shirt. He strode toward Delilah and raked a hand through dark blond hair that looked like it would wave or curl if it wasn’t cut short.

Sophie, timid again, tucked in her hind end and hurriedly crept for safety into one of the back rooms.

Behind the receptionist’s desk, Bridget watched anxiously to see what would happen. The man looked pretty agitated about things.

Delilah, however, didn’t appear to be intimidated by him. She mimicked Bridget’s arms-folded pose and tightened her lips, as mutiny further darkened her eyes.

“We have to get going,” the man said. “Now, please, Delilah.”

Bridget had no idea that there was such a thing as a tantrum with no sound, but all evidence showed that was exactly what she was witnessing. Delilah scrunched her face into a mask of anger, she clenched her fists at her side, her body went completely rigid and began to tremble and her skin took on a deepening shade of red.

“Delilah,” the man spoke in a low, calm voice as he knelt down beside her. “Listen, just breathe and listen.” He didn’t touch her but instead reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He swiped a screen, pushed a button and a piece of classical music began to pour out. “Okay, Delilah,” he continued in the same calm voice. “There are four layers in the melody of this song. I want you to listen and when you hear a new layer come in I want you to count it off on your fingers.”

Delilah continued to shake but not quite as much.

“Okay, listen, here’s one and do you hear the violins coming in? Is that…?”

She held up two fingers and he nodded. “Good, that’s good! Keep listening.”

An energetic swell of the brass section followed by percussion swooped in and Delilah held up a third and fourth finger. Her coloring and posture softened; her head bent in concentration.

Bridget had never seen anything like it.


Donna Gartshore lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. Donna now has three books published with Love Inspired and is working on three more. She has also published several short stories and poems with various literary publications and writes devotions. Donna loves family time, walks, coffee and movies with friends, serving in various capacities at the church she attends and talking about books and writing with her friends and the writing community.

Connect with Donna by following her on Instagram or Twitter.


(3) winners will receive print copy of Finding Her Voice, an adult inspirational coloring book, and a small devotion!

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight August 22, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 29, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.



  1. Anonymous23/8/22 16:15

    This is a book I would love to read.
