25 March 2024

it's monday! what are you reading? #102

hosted weekly by the book date

happy monday!

what i read this week

borrow my heart by kasie west
carved in stone by elizabeth camden
divine rivals by rebecca ross ★★★★★
falling by t.j. newman ★★★★★
falling in line by kasey stockton
fangirl down by tessa bailey
flirtation or faceoff by leah brunner
java hearts & cupid darts by kimberly krey
a noble masquerade by kristi ann hunter ★★★★★
ready or not by cara bastone
ruthless vows by rebecca ross
the shadow writer by eliza maxwell
sounder by william h. armstrong
the twenty-one balloons by william pène du bois

what i'm reading now

catch a wave by savannah scot
evelina by frances burney
julie of the wolves by jen craighead george
les misérables by victor hugo
sarai by jill eileen smith

what i hope to read this week

the berlin letters by katherine reay
the labors of hercules beal by gary d. schmidt
riot by ronie kendig + j.j. samie myles

last week's posts

top ten tuesday: books on my spring tbr
bookstagram {giveaway}: the ark and the dove
can't wait wednesday: these tangled threads
bookstagram {giveaway}: letters of wisdom
first line friday: pippi longstocking

what are you reading this week?

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