28 May 2024

chain of mercy | excerpt + giveaway

justread publicity tours

about the book

A devastating argument
One reckless decision
An unforgivable sin

Successful Manhattan businessman Richard Brooks is living the dream, drunk with success and all its trappings, until one reckless decision turns his dream life into a living nightmare.

Richard flees to Minneapolis where he repairs ancient boilers instead of solving corporate problems, and he's determined to live the solitary life he now deserves.

Executive Sheila Peterson has other plans for the handsome custodian. Richard appears to be the perfect match for the no-strings-attached romance she's after, but she soon discovers that he's hiding more than the designer clothes in his closet.

Richard can't deny the allure of a relationship with Sheila. The closer they get, though, the greater the risk that she will discover not only who he used to be but also the unforgivable sin he committed that reckless night.

publisher: independently published through the mosaic collection (2nd ed.)
release date: april 22, 2014 (1st ed.)

other books in the series


“You’re scapegoating me? Over the past four years, I’ve been your top performer.” Richard pointed to the man seated kitty-corner from him. “What about Edwards? Wasn’t he responsible for a three million—?”

“Quiet!” Entenza raised his voice and sat up straight. “This isn’t about Edwards, or Constapoulas, or anyone else. It’s about the image you present of ACM Technologies.”

Richard laughed. “So, this has nothing to do with my performance.”

“Our shareholders don’t take kindly to having a member of our board with a police record.”

“Ahh, I see.” Just as he thought. How could he win a battle against the truth? “Let me save you and the shareholders a little trouble.” He pushed away from the table, grabbed his briefcase, and stood. Neither a demotion nor an outright firing was acceptable. “I’ll have my office cleared in an hour. Other companies have been begging for my expertise. I guess it’s time I answer them.”

“So be it.” Entenza pushed a button on the conference phone. “Patrice, will you send in Cowell?”

“Cowell?” Could this possibly get any worse? “A security escort?”

“Protocol, son. I’m sure you understand.”

Richard pinched the bridge of his nose. “Perfectly, sir.” He gave Entenza a mock salute and strode from the room, slamming the door behind him.

Happy unbelievable birthday.

about the author

Brenda S. Anderson writes authentic and gritty life-affirming fiction that shows God at work in people’s messy lives. She enjoys live sports and theater, walking along the shores of Lake Superior, and sharing hot cocoa with friends and family. She lives near Minneapolis with her newly retired husband and their mischievous twin kitties.

Connect with Brenda at brendaandersonbooks.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.


(1) winner will win a book box which includes a paperback copy of Chain of Mercy and locally crafted, book-related items like a Booktrovert glass tumbler, bath balls, a bookish tote, bookmarks, and much more!

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 28, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on June 4, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only for book box. Winner outside the US will receive a $30 Amazon gift card and ebook. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

tour schedule


  1. thanks for spotlighting Chain of Mercy today!

  2. Hallie, thank you for welcoming me to your blog today! I love readerly blogs! I see you're currently reading Les Miserables. Have you seen a movie version or the theater version? The musical is probably my favorite.

  3. This sounds like an interesting book! Def gonna check it out!

  4. This looks very interesting. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Thank you for hosting. I look forward to this book.

  6. Brenda Anderson is a new-to-me author. Thank you for sharing.

  7. If you were to make a movie out of one of your books- which one would you choose

  8. Sounds interesting and different from what I customarily read.
