22 May 2024

sheltered by the doctor | excerpt + giveaway

justread publicity tours

about the book

A fake relationship might keep her safe, but will it break their hearts?

Wisconsin, 1931—Mindy Zahn can’t understand why her parents deserted the family farm, leaving her mute younger sister in her care. Until her mother’s cryptic warning to keep her sister safe becomes a life-threatening task.

Searching for that elusive something to ease his weary heart, Dr. Nick Matrone is drawn to the cheery Mindy. He would never presume to bring such a sweet woman into his beleaguered past, so friendship is all he can offer. Except, he doesn’t expect needing to save her life.

As the danger grows, they both must battle through physical and emotional wounds to have a hope of their counterfeit relationship becoming true.

Welcome to Crow’s Nest, where danger and romance meet at the water’s edge.

publisher: hearth spot press
release date: may 21, 2024

other books in the series


A certain smiling blonde waitress had nothing to do with why Dr. Nick Matrone detoured to the Wharfside Cafe that morning. He needed coffee before seeing his first patient. The cantankerous Mrs. Bindle. An older widow who came into the clinic at least once a week complaining of one malady or another. However, in his professional medical opinion, Nick believed the woman was simply lonely. He could relate.

The sun glared off the glassy water to his left as his shoes clumped on the wooden boards of the wharf. The fishing boats were all out on Lake Michigan at this time of the morning. He’d learned enough from rooming with David Martins, a fishing captain, that such calm conditions made for poor fishing. He whispered a prayer for his friend. The man was engaged and needed the income during these lean times. Not that God listened. Nick just couldn’t shake the habit of bringing every worry to Him.

He turned his face away from the brightness as his mood darkened. He tightened his grip on his satchel. Beginning a day in a grouchy mood never ended well. His patients needed him to be positive, encouraging, to foster healing. A perspective that had been increasingly difficult over the last six months. Today's newspaper headline only added to the problem.


Nick plowed through the empty outdoor seating and pulled open the door to the Wharfside. He spotted several of the retired captains sitting at a table in the middle of the room and promptly spun around. He didn’t want to talk. Didn’t want to be jovial. The gregarious Italian. He barely restrained a muttered Italian phrase that would have had his mamma crossing herself.

Sometimes he wished his skin tone was several shades lighter. His nose, not so straight. His hair, not so black. Then people would see him as a doctor. Not as someone related to Al Capone, whose indictment for tax evasion dominated the front page of today’s Crow’s Nest Gazette. Just because Nick was also Italian. No matter that he had never been to Chicago, except to travel through on his way from New York City.

Yes. He needed coffee. Lots of it.

about the author

Danielle Grandinetti is an award-winning inspirational romance author fueled by tea and books. As a FHLCW Reader’s Choice and Selah Award Finalist, she mixes romance, suspense, and history to bring her stories to life. Originally from the Chicagoland area, she now lives along Lake Michigan’s Wisconsin shoreline with her husband and their two young sons. Find her online at daniellegrandinetti.com.

Connect with Danielle at daniellegrandinetti.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.


(1) winner will win a Crow’s Nest Prize Bundle which includes a print copy of Confessions to a Stranger, a Crow’s Nest canvas tote, a Crow’s Nest paperback notebook and Crow’s Nest stickers!

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 22, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 29, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

tour schedule


  1. thank you for spotlighting Sheltered by the Doctor today :)

  2. Anonymous22/5/24 14:09

    Seems like a good read.

  3. After reading the excerpt, I know that Sheltered by the Doctor is going to be a fantastic book.

  4. This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.
