24 July 2019

Clear Confusion | Excerpt + Giveaway


What am I going to do, God? Who am I?

Charlotte Hallaway needs to come to terms with her father’s death. He had been her only family, and she wasn’t handling her grief well. It was just supposed to be a few weeks of peace and quiet to process it all, but then she saw them-a drug deal and a murder within seconds of each other.

And they saw her.

Now running for her life, Charlotte boards a bus to escape her pursuers and wakes up the next morning in the woods of Jennings, Georgia, without a memory of how she got there or of who she is. All she knows is an underlying fear she can’t seem to shake.

When two hunters find her battered and scared, can she put aside the clear confusion she’s experiencing to trust them? She wants to trust them, especially Nicholas, but fear is holding her back. Trust is incredibly hard when one is so clearly confused. Could it be he and his friend are not who they claim to be?

Who are they really . . . and who is she?

Publisher: Ambassador International
Release Date: July 1, 2019


“Jennings Family Practice.” 

“Doc, I’m glad I got you.” Nicholas exhaled. “It’s Nicholas. We’ve got a bit of a situation. Vin and I found a young woman in the woods. Looks like she’s been through the wringer—dirty, dried blood in her hair, missing shoe, pretty messed up ankle, and says her head hurts. She was coherent a few minutes ago—scared but talking. But now she’s unconscious. I think she’ll be all right, but I sure would feel better if you could check her out. Can you see her now at your office, or do I need to take her on to the hospital?”

“Who is she?”

“I don’t know. We don’t recognize her. Never got around to asking her name.”

“How’s her breathing?”

“Fine, I guess.”

“Any other significant injuries?”

“Other than her ankle and maybe head? Not that I could tell.”

Dr. Mitchell asked several questions, all of which Nicholas could not give a definitive answer, so he agreed to meet them at the hospital. He’d planned to see three other patients there later that day anyway. Going a few hours earlier than planned wouldn’t hurt. His P.A. could see to his morning patients while he was away.

Good. At least there was a plan, and help was on its way. Nicholas didn’t like the way they’d found the young woman. It did not sit well with him at all.


Kathy M. Howard resides in south Georgia with her husband and two children. She has been involved in some form of education since 1998 as an elementary school teacher, a private school principal, and presently as a homeschooling mom. As a child, she despised reading, dreading every assignment the subject gave. As an adult, Kathy finally learned to appreciate the written word, so much so that she is rarely seen without her nose in a book.

She loves the Lord and wants to share Jesus where she can, using words written and spoken. By God’s goodness and with the support and love of her family, she has written two novels, From Dishes to Snow (October, 2014), and its sequel, From Driftwood to Sapphire (August, 2015).


(1) winner will receive a print copy (US only)
plus (1) additional winner will receive an ebook

Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway will begin at midnight July 23, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on July 30, 2019. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Print US only. Ebook available internationally.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.